Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Web 2.0, Web 3.0 and power tools support Communication, collaboration and creativity (P1)

Can you hear me? - we need to communicate. 

Should we work together to go faster and farther? - we need to cooperate.

How or new? - We need creativity and Critical thinking

As mentioned in "Implementing the Seven Principles: Technology as Leve" by Arthur Chickering and Stephen C. Ehrmann [1], the first three of the Seven Principles of Good Practice are "Good Practice Encourages Contacts Between Students and Faculty" - communicating; "Good Practice Develops Reciprocity and Cooperation Among Students" - Collaboration and "Good Practice Uses Active Learning Techniques" - creativity

Web 2.0, Web 3.0 platform with powerful tools for Communication, collaboration, and creativity for Higher Education and lifelong learning

Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 with their differences [2]

WEB 1.0

WEB 2.0

WEB 3.0

Mostly Read-Only

Wildly Read-Write

Portable and Personal

Company Focus

Community Focus

Individual Focus

Home Pages

Blogs / Wikis

Live-streams / Waves

Owning Content

Sharing Content

Consolidating Content

Web Forms

Web Applications

Smart Applications



User Behaviour

Page Views

Cost Per Click

User Engagement

Banner Advertising

Interactive Advertising

Behavioural Advertising

Britannica Online


The Semantic Web




How does power tools support communication, collaboration, and creativity? you need to ask, do and answer yourself.
  • Why do we use tools? What is the reason?
  • Find the best tool for the problem (there are plenty of tools on the internet, you should review it or ask for advice)
  • Then practice and practice with the tools. Get the feedback and evaluate how they support? Is it okay to use or change someone else?

In (P2), I will go into more detail about tools in web 2.0 to improve communication skill.

#LHU #Eramus+ #EMVITET



[1] Chickering, Arthur & Ehrmann, Stephen. (1996). Implementing the Seven Principles: Technology as Lever. American Association for Higher Education Bulletin. 49. 3-6.

[2] Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 with their difference, https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/web-1-0-web-2-0-and-web-3-0-with-their-difference/

Friday, 9 October 2020

Project Based Learning in Covid

 The project-based learning method makes students more active in thinking.

Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget once said: "Knowledge is the result of experience". Indeed, "learning with practice" is the fastest way to help us get closer to the civilization of humanity.

Because I was an engineer at a multinational company. Reality-based learning will help students apply knowledge or learn more deeply about real problems.

Smart thermometer system uses artificial intelligence. Prevent cross-contamination. Helping the community to cope with COVID-19

Discussion of a group of students on building Smart Farm program

The students discuss about designing a system

This may reflect what learners have learned, how they learned and what they learned for. In addition, the instructor can give positive feedback to each project to help students improve and do better in the future.

[Studens - University - Industry]

After developing the application, the enterprise realizes the practical application and applicability. This project has already been deployed to connect to the user.
Project in researching and building

The product have worked at Dong Nai hospital

At Lac Hong University

From projects, and the Student - School - Business connection makes new connections. Helping students to apply knowledge into practice to solve problems encountered in life.

Saturday, 3 October 2020

Aligning Education 4.0 with Industry 4.0

Learning to solve problems throughout our life. We need to address different types of problems and levels from children to retirement (Children - college-age - Early career - Late career - Retirement). Therefore, you need to be able to adapt, analyze, and process in the working environment as well as life.

Therefore, Edu4.0 needs to be flexible and the curriculum is tailor-made to support students in receiving and maximizing their abilities to adapt with IR4 .0 (Figure 1). The roles of educators have changed, from teacher-centered to student-centered learning. Teachers become mentors or coaches for their students. Help them become a quality workforce and to become active lifelong learners. Edu4.0 helps students know how to identify and find ways to solve problems.

Figure 1 - Aligning of the industry requirements with education (Intelitek, 2018)

The education platform changes many to forwards Edu4.0. From location classroom to technology, curriculum structure to gadgets. So you have suitable assessments for this model. The assessments also change to forward to Edu4.0. From the manage and control to support, assessment as a separate and only final exam to Embedded learning process and multiple methods evidence their competencies, etc (Figure 2)
What is basic to help students be DIY and have well-collaboration in working
Figure 2: Rethinking assessment towards Edu 4.0

#LHU #EMVITET #Eramus+

Thursday, 1 October 2020

Applying the Powtoon tool to create video tutorials

 In this example, we make two videos. one video introduces some modern teaching methods such as project-based learning and the Flipped classroom and another video we introduce the learning outcome of the course  Also, these videos are examples of applying the Powtoon tool to create video tutorials effectively and quickly. These Videos makes by Phan Phuoc and Le Truong

To make a video like this example visit the link below: https://www.powtoon.com/

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

How to make Interactive Video

 There are many digital tools for creating interactive videos. In this video, we will show you how to use the H5P integrated in LMS (Moodle) to build interactive video. This Video make by Ta Nguyen.

Sunday, 27 September 2020

Meeting online tools

 There are many support tools for distance learning. In this article, the author introduces some tools for online meetings.

1. Zoom 
Zoom is the digital tool based video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, collaboration, chat, and webinars across mobile devices, desktops, telephones, and room systems. Zoom has a security issue but I think zoom is going to solve this issue.
Fig1. Online meeting with Zoom software
2. Webex

Cisco Webex is a solution for video conferencing, online meetings, screen share, and webinars. 
3. Skype Meeting
Skype Meeting is a free conference meeting with up to 50 people powered by Skype. No sign ups or downloads required, simply generate your unique link and share it with all.
4. Google meet
 Google meet has developed by Google. This tool not only makes a video meeting but also share your video, desktop, and presentation with teammates.

In addition, to understand I  made a small comparison of the three  online meeting software shown in the table below:

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Sharing how to apply the digital tools in teaching and learning activities at LHU

The Digital Pedagogy is precisely not about using digital technologies for teaching and, rather, about approaching those tools from a critical pedagogical perspective. So, it is as much about using digital tools thoughtfully as it is about deciding when not to use digital tools, and about paying attention to the impact of digital tools on learning[1].

 Lac Hong University is fully qualified to apply digital technologies to improve teaching and learning. In order to widely deploy digital pedagogical method to lecturers, the members in EMVITET project group held a series of seminars to share methods of applying digital tools in teaching and learning activities.

These activities at the seminar
[Credits to EMVITET Project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union]

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Sunday, 26 April 2020

It's so easy to follow student's learning process by LMS

In previous years, my colleagues and I had not enough data for assessment at the end of course. We used to get 10% for participant, 30% for self-study report and 60% for final exam, however it is really hard for teachers to manage the student’s learning process in whole course.

Fig 1. Grade for Q&A at the end of chapter

After deploying Learning Management System in my university we have more powerful tools for assessment. My colleagues, who feel uncomfortable of changes in pedagogy at the beginning, have to say “wonderful” because of they can keep the track of every activity in their class. Especially, the study still continues in the spread of COVID-19. They know exactly which student having problem in learning process by just one click on the “report menu”.

Everything from log-in status, activity, participant, statistics and events to competency breakdown. From that, teachers will help their student right the time when they face the problem in study. Furthermore, teachers have more evidences to make the assessment during the course.

Fig 2. Activity report
In my opinion, LMS is one of the most important platform for my teaching activity toward Education 4.0. For more information about the Education 4.0, you are invited to visit www.emvitet.org, the official website of EMVITET project which is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Active model for online activities

Students have a habit of completing assignments online instead of watching lectures and/or reading document. One of the solutions is to encourage students to complete lessons is to embed quiz scattered in videos or documents. In addition, from practical study at Lac Hong University proposed an active online model for teaching online as shown in Figure 1.

Accordingly active model for online activitiesthe teachers need to bring up topics in the real world, build opportunities for cooperation, and create feedback opportunities in a virtual environment for learners to respond to topics. However, in order to accomplish the activity, teachers need to build activities for learners through video, documents, and/or websites. Practical activities in distance learning mode are very different from the blended training mode. In order to implement hands-on activities, teachers need to build research topics based on online topics such as simulating and synthesizing materials from which to write feedback on learners' practice activities.
Le Phuong Truong
[Credits to EMVITET Project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union]