Saturday 3 October 2020

Aligning Education 4.0 with Industry 4.0

Learning to solve problems throughout our life. We need to address different types of problems and levels from children to retirement (Children - college-age - Early career - Late career - Retirement). Therefore, you need to be able to adapt, analyze, and process in the working environment as well as life.

Therefore, Edu4.0 needs to be flexible and the curriculum is tailor-made to support students in receiving and maximizing their abilities to adapt with IR4 .0 (Figure 1). The roles of educators have changed, from teacher-centered to student-centered learning. Teachers become mentors or coaches for their students. Help them become a quality workforce and to become active lifelong learners. Edu4.0 helps students know how to identify and find ways to solve problems.

Figure 1 - Aligning of the industry requirements with education (Intelitek, 2018)

The education platform changes many to forwards Edu4.0. From location classroom to technology, curriculum structure to gadgets. So you have suitable assessments for this model. The assessments also change to forward to Edu4.0. From the manage and control to support, assessment as a separate and only final exam to Embedded learning process and multiple methods evidence their competencies, etc (Figure 2)
What is basic to help students be DIY and have well-collaboration in working
Figure 2: Rethinking assessment towards Edu 4.0

#LHU #EMVITET #Eramus+


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