Monday 23 September 2019

Reflective writing

One of the first new things which I learnt at the beginning of EMVITET project is reflective writing. This process consist of six stages such as description, feeling, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan. This structure was developed by Graham Gibbs in 1988.
Gibbs' reflective cycle

I think this is very useful model of writing to walk through the experience. When Mrs. Lisa introduced the structure I though other people in the class also recognized that Gibbs' model would be suitable to use for writing daily activities.

Applying this model helping me easy to construct the structure of a writing. I could explain my ideal clearly for other people. I had just posted my status by listing the order of events or leaving some sentences of thinking on my Facebook page in the past. I did not think I could share my experience on the blog.
Although writing the blog is the homework that I have to do, it's really useful for my beginning of learning how to study a new experience by writing about what happen in a standard model. 
I can not apply the whole structure in this first writing however I learn a lot from the lesson with Mrs Lisa by doing Mrs Irma and Mrs Sanna homework. I hope that when I will write the second tomorrow I would be familiar with the structure.  Maybe after 5 or 10 posts in this blog, I will be a blogger.


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