Monday 9 May 2022

EMVITET project - The most impactful thing and moment

EMVITET project, 2019 - 2022, the time to learn new things, the time to practice and share for Transformation towards Education 4.0
With LHU teachers, the most impactful thing to me from the EMVITET project,  
- Understanding the Student-Centered Learning and How to deploy this model more effectively.
individually or in teams, draft a blog post to share your most impactful moments
- Mindset in applying digital pedagogy in education

and the moment is the workshop: "what if we, as faculties, don't change ourselves" at Lac Hong University. Comeback from Finland after 3 weeks of training about Education 4.0, LHU had a workshop "what if we, as faculties, don't change ourselves". The workshop had the impact on the perception of LHU teachers and thereby they have changes in mindset and teaching methods, activities, student support, and lesson content conveyed to students.

Sunday 3 April 2022

Ingraining Education 4.0 - Towards Multidisciplinary Collaboration

Education 4.0 is not only developed at the individual level, but also as an organization with targets towards 4.0 for both teachers and managers.

LHU has developed the guidelines books / slides for using the teaching support ecosystem (LMS, digital tools) and organized training workshops for both teachers and managers. the steps by steps change the mindset and environment for teachers change and toward ecosystem education 4.0

In order to develop methodically in students' learning activities, LHU organized training the Design Process model and integrated it into the curriculum as a foundation course. And the further is the multidisciplinary collaboration in research activities, project-based learning among multidisciplinary students.

In the academic year 2021-2022 (till present), there have been more than 6 projects implemented in collaboration between students and teachers of the Faculty of Information Technology, Faculty of Mechatronics and Electronics, and Faculty of Pharmacy.

The organization, training and methodical collaboration in the ecosystem Education 4.0 of LHU creates effective maintenance of operations and sustainable development.

Some images of workshop to orientation multidisciplinary collaboration development at Lac Hong University

Monday 7 March 2022

Forming and developing an ecosystem for Education 4.0 at Lac Hong University

 In Education 4.0 and Industry 4.0, learners/employees become their central roles. Along new policies have been implemented to encourage and motivate teachers to transform from traditional teaching and learning to learner-centered learning at LHU. Lac Hong University organized training workshops such as pedagogy, using the LMS, tracking on LMS, forum to share and help about using tools, Microsoft Planner, tutorials on creating E-portfolios and contests to demonstrate the results to improve skills in learning, writing, speaking - video, managing individual work, managing teamwork as well as using digital tools. Create the foundation for self-study, deep learning as well as lifelong learning for both students and teachers.

In addition, the Faculty also has periodic seminars with businesses in the major of information technology to grasp trends from which to adjust the curriculum adapt to the needs of businesses.

Some images of workshops guiding using the LMS, tracking on LMS and forum to share and help

Some images of workshops guiding using tools to manage tasks. 

Some images of workshops guiding creating E-portfolio

Some images of contest creating E-portfolio and reward

Some images of workshops with businesses

Mindset about Education 4.0 and Ingraining new learning ecosystem for education 4.0 at LHU from EMVITET project (Part 2)


As mentioned in part 1, to achieve Education 4, we need to demonstrate and implement in 3 cores to managers and teachers.

1/ Pedagogy in Education 4.0

2/ Digital technology in Education 4.0

3/ Learning ecosystem in Education 4.0

As a teacher, a core member of the Project,  to achieve the above factors, we first need participants, infrastructure, and policies to create motivation for change.

Participants – I and LHU organize offline and online workshops to guide and practice pedagogical methods in Education 4.0, and use tools to create effectiveness in teaching and assessment.

Infrastructure & System – LHU has invested more in the Resource Center, which manages the server system, network system, and the team to build new applications and manage the system support teaching of teachers on the internet platform (LMS, e-test, Me, calendar, mark, ...)

Policy – LHU enhances the Office of Educational Testing and Q.A, which is the department to conduct surveys, plan, train to develop teaching methods of teachers as well as monitor for appropriate changes. The courses have  30% of syllabus change to online (flipped classrooms), as well as many other policies to encourage teachers and students to teach and learn based on projects with stakeholders.

To maintain and develop sustainably, through the workshop on "Ingraining new learning ecosystem for education 4.0" at the University of Technology and Education – University of Danang, I and project members have been compiling the common guidelines to support and sustainably maintain learning ecosystems in Education 4.0. The Guideline focus on 3 topics.
- Topic Pedagogy in Education 4.0, presenting core issues of pedagogy such as Drivers for change, Competency-based learning; The method of deploying learner-centered; Designing an online course; Assessment methods.
- Topic Digital technology in Education 4.0. In this topic, the guidelines help teachers identify types and use the right tools to create blended learning and scaffold the appropriate pedagogies for online learning to enable teachers to support learning through online modules, programs, MOOCs, and more. Teachers are encouraged to consider online examinations and supported with best practice approaches to open-book examinations and technology implementation
- Topics Learning Ecosystem for Education 4.0. The topic presentation of the learning ecosystem, the importance of work-life partners, solutions to embrace the learning ecosystem for Education 4.0, and how to implement for teachers and students.
Based on these common guidelines, other teachers will better understand Education 4.0, know how to select and adjust their own activities based on needs. Gradually change Vietnam's educational methods and education ecosystem in line with the world's Industry 4.0


Mindset Education 4.0 and Ingraining new learning ecosystem for education 4.0 at LHU from EMVITET project (Part 1)


With the goal of Transformation Towards Education 4.0 in Vietnam, adapt to the needs of the world's 4.0 industry. The EMVITET project has trained and supported teachers in identifying, understanding definitions, orientations, and implementation methods to promote education in the right direction of education 4.0. The foundation for sustainable transformation and development are teachers and managers in the institutions.

EMVITET project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, implemented by 03 European universities including HAMK (Finland), Dublin City (Ireland), KU Leuven (Belgium) implementing the guidelines for lecturers of 6 universities and colleges in Vietnam (Lac Hong University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, University of Technology and Education – University of Danang, Hue Industrial College, College of Technology II, Ho Chi Minh City Industry and Trade College.

The project focuses on developing teacher competencies in the following areas: pedagogy, technology to improve digital pedagogy, and the final goal, build the ecosystem for education 4.0 at each institution, first step to ingraining learning ecosystem for education 4.0 in Vietnam.

Phase 1 - Pedagogy, in my opinion, Pedagogy is the most important phase, because it helps us understand more properly the concepts, methods then we form the mindset and implementation solutions to achieve Education 4.0. We only do the right thing when we understand the right problem and combine it in the right way to meet the right needs (requirements in industry 4.0). It is necessary to change the mindset from the teachers being the center in traditional education to student-centered learning. People are diverse in their ways of learning and actions, so it is necessary to have appropriate communication and assessment according to the learner's ability and capacity

Phase 2 - Technology. In this phase, teachers identify and use digital technologies effectively in organizing classrooms that inspire learning (flipped classroom, project-based learning, etc). Use digital tools to have a variety of assessment practices related to Industry 4.0 competencies needed and to support learners’ self-regulated learning and peer learning.

Phase 3 – Learning ecosystem. It is the phase to combine application and implementation from individuals together, forming an ecosystem for Education 4.0. In order to be able to build and develop sustainably Education 4.0 in the institution, the managers and teachers must have the same mindset and development targets of education 4.0. In addition to the supporting system and infrastructure at the institution, it is necessary to have guidelines and appropriate policies/ activities to demonstrate and support implement Education 4.0 to all members at the institution then maintain the principles of Education 4.0