Wednesday 13 October 2021

Virtual lab solves the problem for practice in online learning

    In the period when the COVID 19 pandemic is increasingly complicated, the universities have switched from face-to-face to online training mode. One of those challenges is teaching practical subjects. To solve that problem, the virtual laboratory was developed. The virtual lab is programmed with block graphics. These models are designed to resemble physical models so that students will not be surprised when practicing on real devices. The link to used the Virtual lab is below:
Figure 1. Broad Areas of Virtual Labs

    We think that applying virtual labs is one of the solutions to solve the problem of students' practical skills during the epidemic period. However, when the epidemic situation is under control, a virtual laboratory can be used for students to practice before going to the physics laboratory, which will reduce risks in practice safety and learn the principle first by the method. flipped classroom.

Friday 13 August 2021

H5P - creating rich interactive content for lectures (P1. Begin)


H5P (HTML5 Package) is a platform that allows users to easily create, share and reuse content in the HTML5 environment, available in all Platforms.

The goals for the H5P project are:

-Connect people who create, use and share H5P libraries and share skills.

-Makes content easy to deploy and easy to integrate in most online platforms (CMS, LMS, LCMS and others)

-Support many functions to help increase the efficiency of online teaching and learning such as: Fill in the blanks, Find words, Interactive Books, Interactive Videos and many other improvements.

H5P intergrations
H5P Interfactions

Interactive content by adding the H5P
Interactive content by adding the H5P

To get started with H5P, see the following link (type Interactive Book) instructions on creating an account and using H5P at


Sharing digital pedagogy to improve teaching pedagogy and teaching quality with high school teachers

 The 4th COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam, especially the southern provinces, is still developing quite complicatedly. The rollout of all classes online for the upcoming new semester (Moving to September 2021) is inevitable. Although we have implemented online learning in the past time, there are still many things to note in terms of overall and uniformity.

There are many factors for an e-learning system to work stably and effectively. But first, teachers need to understand the nature of online teaching and learning and use some basic tools to do it effectively.

Sharing is a quick and effective way for all members to work together to improve teaching pedagogy and teaching quality.

During the isolation period, LHU cooperated with high school (Lac Hong Bilingual School - LHBS) to organize the first phase (2 days) workshop to train high school teachers with the main contents including:

- Digital teaching methods 

- Meeting support tools (Microsoft Teams, Zoom)

- Integrate h5p in creating interactive lectures.

There is still much work to be done, let's share and progress together.

Some images in workshop

Zoom meeting
Zoom meeting

Instructions for using Microsoft Teams to support online teaching
Instructions for using Microsoft Teams to support online teaching (create meeting, participants control, upload file, etc)
Instructions for using Zoom to support online teaching
Instructions for using Zoom to support online teaching (create meeting, participants controls, breakout room, etc)
Instructions for using H5P to create interactive lectures (type Book)

Instructions for using H5P to create interactive lectures (type Book)
Instructions for using H5P to create interactive lectures (type Presentation)
Instructions for using H5P to create interactive lectures (type Presentation)
Instructions for using H5P to create interactive lectures (type Interactive Video)
Instructions for using H5P to create interactive lectures (type Interactive Video)

Demo of participant (H5P presentation)
Demo of participant (H5P presentation)

Monday 12 July 2021

Education 4.0: Co-creation and innovation is the center

In Education 4.0, co-creation and innovation is the center, is at the heart of University-Industry Collaboration

Student-centered education is being transformed into Society-centered. Student-University-Industry Collaborating to address community needs.

This focus-shifting combination fosters connectivity, ecology and innovation to support the new hub of society, where real-world issues need to solve, spurring creativity.

This will boost the students themselves and their creativity. The University-Industry in this combination creates specific orientation and support for all parties to achieve higher efficiency through problem solving, solutions, implementation and maintenance the project (from small to large)

Some pictures of LHU students' activities in implementing community problem solving projects

Canvas business model for project strategic management

Conduct customer surveys

Discuss problems and implement solutions

Present the idea and product

Awards for ideas and products that support the community



Because the Covid-19 pandemic has changed drastically, affecting the lives of many people around the world and in Vietnam. Distance and no mass gatherings are necessary at this time. However, that does not mean that all our activities stop. LHU students have a gap when the final exam has not completed all subjects in all disciplines. Faced with that situation, in order to organize the online exam methodically and in accordance with the current management system of LHU (LMS system, ME system), LHU has developed a new module (ME-Online Examination). ME-Online Examination allows teachers to easily create exams (combining an existing teaching-learning schedule management system), manage logins and submissions. In particular, the new module also shows students' activities in the process of taking an online exam on a computer. This helps increase transparency while taking the student's online test at home.

Let's Join Hands in Combating COVID-19.

LHU-OE integrates into ME system
LHU-OE integrates into ME system

The teacher administers the exams created for the classes
The teacher administers the exams created for the classes

Thursday 13 May 2021

Inspire students to learn, motivate students to be more confident in students’ central role in education.

The learning environment changes. The approach to knowledge changes. We are increasingly promoting embedded learning. That is, the role of teachers and learners also gradually changes.

We no longer have the notion of forcing knowledge one-way from teachers to students. What teachers need to do is create interest in learning for students, orient them the methods of identification, analysis and solutions the problem. Students are proactive in their study.

In order for students to be interested in learning, in addition to the application of digital tools to support teaching (LMS, zoom, quizz, etc), the content needs to show attachment to the current life so that students find it necessary and useful.

With this active learning, students feel more motivated to find and build content. when they are interested in, students demonstrate their acquired knowledge and abilities and skills more clearly. it helps students get higher-level in Bloom's Taxonomy. Furthermore,  lecturers more accurately assess students' competencies and career development through different methods (direct assessment, cross-review, eportfolio, etc)

Fig: Students are excited to learn, present and share how to solve related topics between learning content and particular.

Inspire students to learn by reflecting on books they've read with classmate (P1)

 To encourage students to read (especially books on majors), in my class I ask students to come to the library to borrow a book (optional) related to the topic they are studying.

Students need to feedback at least one chapter in the book and record that feedback in their eportfolio. Then they briefly present the part they have read. Each person read one book, then whole class read many books together via briefly.

Tuesday 4 May 2021


This paper has been published in Journal of Technical Education Science, No.62 (02/2021) 

Hien T. Lam, Lam T. Nguyen, Phuong D.V Van 
Lac Hong University, Vietnam

The development of science and technology has had a strong impact on the education environment recently. The integration of digital technologies and tools in teaching and learning activities and curricula have renovated the role of the schools, educators, and learners. Accordingly, learners are at the center of the learning process while educators and schools create suitable conditions to promote creativity and autonomy in the learners' spirit. Both educators and learners need to have knowledge about digital capabilities which is one of the essential competencies in the 21st century. 
Keyword: Digital capacity, Education development tendency, Lifelong learning, Educational technology

Currently, science and technology have been developing quickly. This has had a strong impact on almost all areas of social life including education. Accordingly, the integration of digital technologies and tools in teaching activities and training programs has become common. The educational environment has been changing dramatically and new educational models are gradually replacing traditional ones. The roles of school, educator and learner are being redefined. In the current educational development trend, learners are at the center of the learning process while educators and schools need to create favorable conditions to promote creativity and autonomy of learners. Both educators and learners need to be equipped with lifelong learning capacities in which digital capacity is one of the kernel competencies in the 21st century. In this research article, the authors only present the importance of digital capabilities for educators and learners in the present educational environment. The development of digital capabilities in the national education system in general or educational institutions, in particular, requires further research and investment to make decisions, policies and appropriate development


This paper has been published in Journal of Technical Education Science, No.62 (02/2021) 

Phuong V. D. Van, Hien T. Lam, Lam T. Nguyen, Truong P. Le
Lac Hong University.

Thanking to the application of digital technology in education, students are obtaining outstanding benefits such as diverse learning resources, more learning flexibility in both time and place. However, besides these advantages, students must wisely avoid inappropriate information sources and trends by selecting and following the right way to receive, learn and process information. In the competence-development-learning model, students become the center being proactive in selecting information, analyzing and proposing solutions for problems with support from lecturers and reference resources. Many questions exist and require educational institution and faculty to answers such as how to assess students' understanding and if it is in the right direction; how to see students’ progress to assist students positive change; how to conduct formative assessment throughout the entire student progress instead only summative ones (in final exam, final product). This paper reflects the practical results to answer these above questions when applying ePortfolio in assessing students’ performance in the blended learning environment at Lac Hong University. The research is conducted as a part of EMVITET Erasmus+ project.
Keyword: ePortfolio, Formative assessment, Education 4.0, Digital pedagogy


From the above results, it can be seen that students who have recorded, implemented and updated additional information such as learning knowledge, receiving and following comments on ePortfolio actually have better learning results, especially in presentation skills. Teachers are able to follow-up, support and evaluate students' competencies formatively and summatively regarding the ability to analyze and solve problems, ability to present and communicate. Students themselves express better understanding by responding to the requirements in their own expression. The application of ePortfolio for assessment not only improves efficiency and accuracy but also gradually builds up students' lifelong learning skills. Level 1 competencies including listening, watching and taking notes, storing content on demand periodically by weeks and months are firmly achieved. Moreover, a habit at level 2, that students go deeper into searching information, analyze and comment on the content through exercises and projects with good time arrangement for learning activities, is formed. This is a stepping stone to achieve level 3 easily. Level 3 provides an overview of students' abilities through knowledge acquired by topics or products on their ePortfolio, students' strengths, as well as their future directions and goals. Obviously, the approach to gain knowledge and resources is gradually changing. The role of the teachers and learners have also changed in blended learning environment. Thus, the method of teaching and learning must also be changed. Being the center, the learners become more proactive, combine the surrounding factors, e.g. the teachers or the coaches, other resources and environment to achieve results, skills and products. Now, the teachers are no longer the main character as in the traditional teaching model. However, because they have a great impact on the student's learning, improvement and development process, they must also change a lot. ePortfolio is highly suggested to put into a comprehensive application among Lac Hong University students in particular and Vietnamese schools in general. Although in the first stage, students face many difficulties in presenting knowledge and responding to requests according to their personal style, it can be seen that ePortfolio is a good means for students to chain all their knowledge and work. This is also a tool to improve presentation skills and the channel for objective and accurate assessment.

Friday 9 April 2021


This paper has been published in Journal of Technical Education Science, No.62 (02/2021) 

Le Phuong Truong, Garces Eduard Aves 



This paper presents a method to integrate online assessment into blended training form. Based on the Bloom Taxonomy, this study supports digital tools and methodology for assessment online based on the blended training form. Furthermore, ePortfolio has applied to assess the soft skill and knowledge during the time students study the course. From the results, this paper found the benefit of student and lecturer in teaching and learning activities based on the blended learning form including assessments online such as (1) the benefit and challenges of blended training method, (2) the benefits and challenges of online assessment (3) developing the assessment model for blended method, and (3 ) proposing suitable digital tools for assessment online.

Keywords: ePortfolio; assessment online; blended training form.

                                 Figure 1. The method for assessment online and digital tool

                                  Fig 2. The assessment model for Blended training form


 This paper presents a method to integrate assessment online into a blended training method.  From the practical analysis, this study proposes a digital tool and method for assessment online-based lower order thinking and higher-order thinking. From practical perspectives, the research shows the following advantages: (1) the benefit and challenges of blended training method, (2) the benefit and challenges of online assessment (3) developing the assessment model for blended method, and (3) proposing suitable digital tools for assessment online. The results of this study may serve as the basis for other studies to integrate the digital pedagogy in Vietnam and this result proves that it is an example to expand the technology in educational development in Vietnam.