As mentioned in part 1, to achieve Education 4, we need to demonstrate and implement in 3 cores to managers and teachers.
1/ Pedagogy in Education 4.0
2/ Digital technology in Education 4.0
3/ Learning ecosystem in Education 4.0
As a teacher, a core member of the Project, to achieve the above factors, we first need participants, infrastructure, and policies to create motivation for change.
Participants – I and LHU organize offline and online workshops to guide and practice pedagogical methods in Education 4.0, and use tools to create effectiveness in teaching and assessment.
Infrastructure & System – LHU has invested more in the Resource Center, which manages the server system, network system, and the team to build new applications and manage the system support teaching of teachers on the internet platform (LMS, e-test, Me, calendar, mark, ...)
Policy – LHU enhances the Office of Educational Testing and Q.A, which is the department to conduct surveys, plan, train to develop teaching methods of teachers as well as monitor for appropriate changes. The courses have 30% of syllabus change to online (flipped classrooms), as well as many other policies to encourage teachers and students to teach and learn based on projects with stakeholders.
To maintain and develop sustainably, through the workshop on "Ingraining new learning ecosystem for education 4.0" at the University of Technology and Education – University of Danang, I and project members have been compiling the common guidelines to support and sustainably maintain learning ecosystems in Education 4.0. The Guideline focus on 3 topics.
- Topic Pedagogy in Education 4.0, presenting core issues of pedagogy such as Drivers for change, Competency-based learning; The method of deploying learner-centered; Designing an online course; Assessment methods.
- Topic Digital technology in Education 4.0. In this topic, the guidelines help teachers identify types and use the right tools to create blended learning and scaffold the appropriate pedagogies for online learning to enable teachers to support learning through online modules, programs, MOOCs, and more. Teachers are encouraged to consider online examinations and supported with best practice approaches to open-book examinations and technology implementation
- Topics Learning Ecosystem for Education 4.0. The topic presentation of the learning ecosystem, the importance of work-life partners, solutions to embrace the learning ecosystem for Education 4.0, and how to implement for teachers and students.
Based on these common guidelines, other teachers will better understand Education 4.0, know how to select and adjust their own activities based on needs. Gradually change Vietnam's educational methods and education ecosystem in line with the world's Industry 4.0